Tuesday, September 27, 2005

New JFK Book Sheds Light On Prostitutes

A new biography of John F. Kennedy asserts that the president's sexual indiscretions were the rule, not the exception, during his brief administration.

"If I don't have a woman for three days, I get a headache," Kennedy confided in British prime minister Harold Macmillan, during a luncheon.

"[He spent] half his time thinking about adultery," Macmillan frowned.

John F. Kennedy: A Biography (Thomas Dunne Books. St. Martin's Press. 2005) is historian Michael O'Brien's offering to the surfeit of JFK histories.

Armed with newly-released documents from the JFK Presidential Library, O'Brien portrays an unhappily-married, yet fun-loving, JFK hosting regular nude pool parties with "Fiddle and Faddle," two young white house employees, and partying with prostitutes while on the road.

Throughout it all, the befuddled secret service, accustomed to the previous, low-key, Eisenhower administration, was sent scurrying.

"These girls are for the presidential suite," barked a Seattle sheriff to secret service agent Larry Newman, pushing hookers past the security barricade.

"We didn't know if these women were carrying listening devices," Newman recounted, "if they had syringes that carried some type of poison, or if they had Pentax cameras that would photograph the President for blackmail."

Remarkably, the president's sexual drive was not in the least hampered by his exceptionally poor health, complicated by Addison's disease and crippling back pain.

Reaction to the 971-page John F. Kennedy: A Biography has varied.

"There is no new news here," says Jonathan Lester, chief spokesperson for Americans For Biblical Decency. "Kennedy was a benchmark for the reckless immorality of the Democratic party and the secular culture at large."

"The allegations are typical, cynical, straw man politics," counters Marion Duhnlow, research fellow at the Wilson Institute, "Navigate the public away from Kennedy's accomplishments in civil rights, the peace corps and the cold war, and focus on the mundane, the sexual."

Traditionally declining comment on such matters, Senator Ted Kennedy (D-Massachusetts) rose swiftly to his brother's defense. "Listen, it's not like all those broads weren't well compensated," he said.

©2005 zombieH


At 8:10 PM, September 27, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

Your post on this is very interesting and i love the last comment from Ted Kennedy it made me laugh, he's such a pig!!!!


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